
Broken Nose

For patients who have sustained nasal fractures or broken noses (whether it was a few months ago during a car accident or a few decades ago during a sporting event), Dr. Ferrauiola can perform operative correction to restore your nose to a straight, refined configuration.

Face & Neck Lift

Facelift and necklift in men are powerful techniques for turning the clock back and refining the masculinity of the jawline and chin. Men in particular can benefit from microliposculpture of the neck (or liposuction of a “double chin” deformity).


Gynecomastia, or breast development in men (“man boobs”), can be socially embarrassing and professionally uncomfortable. Dr. Ferrauiola addresses gynecomastia with a combination of liposuction and direct excision of glandular tissue, all with hidden incisions.


For patients with functional problems like difficulty breathing, snoring, deviated septum, or inferior turbinate hypertrophy, Dr. Ferrauiola performs septoplasty and functional nasal surgery. All incisions are hidden inside the nose, and this approach can be combined with rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) if desired.